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Copyright © 2006, 2007, 2008 joerg.moebius@opsdesign.de
Software und Dokumentation werden unter den Regeln der GNU LGPL LIzenz unter Ausschluss jeglicher Garantien und Gewährleistungen veröffentlicht.
Table of Contents
yax ist eine Java Implementiierung der XProc Spezifikation, einer XML Pipeline Sprache (XProc: An XML Pipeline Language W3C Working Draft 17 November 2006), mit der XProc Skripte wie das folgende verarbeitet werden können.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <xproc:pipeline name="pipe1" xmlns:xproc="http://www.w3.org/TR/2006/xproc/1.0" xmlns:yax="http://opsdesign.eu/yax/1.0"> <xproc:step name="trans1" type="xproc:XSLT" yax:description="transforms 'a*' elements to 'b*' elmenents."> <xproc:input port="stylesheet" href="test/transformation1.xsl"/> </xproc:step> <xproc:step name="trans2" type="xproc:XSLT" yax:description="transforms 'b*' elements to 'c*' elmenents."> <xproc:input port="stylesheet" href="test/transformation2.xsl"/> <xproc:parameter name="transformer" value="Saxon6" /> </xproc:step> <xproc:step name="trans3" type="xproc:XSLT" yax:description="transforms 'c*' elements to 'd*' elmenents."> <xproc:input port="stylesheet" href="test/transformation3.xsl"/> <xproc:parameter name="transformer" value="XSLTC" /> </xproc:step> </xproc:pipeline>
Folgende Software muss verfügbar (installiert) sein:
Java (Version 5 or above)
Graphviz - Graph Visualization Software,
if want to use the visualisation features (pipeline trace, port trace).
further XSLT processors ( like saxon, xalan et al),
if you want to use other processor(s) than the one (XSLTC), which comes with java.
Laden Sie yax http://yax.sourceforge.net (hier der Menüpunkt 'download') herunter und entpacken Sie die Datei in ein beliebiges <yax-installation-directory>.
# java -classpath lib/yax-0.7.jar net.sf.yax.Yax examples/example1.xproc examples/example1.xml
default transformer is set to system transformer. automaticOutput of pipe trace is set to 'yes'. automaticOutput of port trace is set to 'yes'. suppress of process is set to 'no'. step 'trans1': transformer Apache Software Foundation (Xalan XSLTC)(Version 1.0) is used. step 'trans2': transformer Apache Software Foundation (Xalan XSLTC)(Version 1.0) is used. step 'trans3': transformer Apache Software Foundation (Xalan XSLTC)(Version 1.0) is used. Yax run sucessful completed.
1) <input filename>.output.xml
2) <pipeline filename>.config.xml
<yax:configuration xmlns:yax="http://www.opsdesign.eu/yax/1.0"> <!--configuration description generated by Yax - Do not edit by hand--> <pipeline name="pipe1"> .. <step name="trans1"> <output port="out" sequence="no" yax:creator="implementation.xproc.standard"/> <input port="in" sequence="no" yax:creator="implementation.xproc.standard"> <yax:connection port="in" yax:component="pipe1"/> </input> <input port="stylesheet" sequence="no" yax:creator="implementation.xproc.standard"/> <input href="examples/transformation1.xsl" port="stylesheet" yax:creator="pipeline"/> </step> ... </pipeline> <xproc:pipeline-library name="xproc.options" xmlns:xproc="http://www.w3.org/TR/2006/xproc/1.0"> <xproc:declare-step-type type="Rename" yax:description=""> <xproc:output port="out" select="" sequence="no" yax:bySourceRequired="no"/> <xproc:input port="in" select="" sequence="no" yax:bySourceRequired="no"/> <xproc:parameter name="name" required="yes" yax:values="{$any}"/> <xproc:parameter name="select" required="yes" yax:values="{$xpathExpression}"/> </xproc:declare-step-type> ... </xproc:pipeline-library> <xproc:pipeline-library name="xproc.standard" xmlns:xproc="http://www.w3.org/TR/2006/xproc/1.0"> ... </xproc:pipeline-library> <xproc:pipeline-library name="yax.standard" xmlns:xproc="http://www.w3.org/TR/2006/xproc/1.0"> ... </xproc:pipeline-library> </yax:configuration>
3) <pipeline filename>.pipeTrace.png
4) <pipeline filename>.portTrace.png
Der Kerngedanke von yax ...ToDo
<xproc:pipeline name="pipe1" xmlns:xproc="http://www.w3.org/TR/2006/xproc/1.0" xmlns:yax="http://opsdesign.eu/yax/1.0"> <xproc:step name="trans1" type="xproc:XSLT"> <xproc:input port="stylesheet" href="test/transformation1.xsl"/> </xproc:step> <xproc:step name="validate1" type="xproc:Validate"/> <xproc:step name="trans2" type="xproc:XSLT"> <xproc:input port="stylesheet" href="test/transformation2.xsl"/> </xproc:step> <xproc:step name="trans3" type="xproc:XSLT"> <xproc:input port="stylesheet" href="test/transformation3.xsl"/> </xproc:step> <xproc:step name="validate2" type="xproc:Validate"/> </xproc:pipeline>
<xproc:pipeline name="pipe1" xmlns:xproc="http://www.w3.org/TR/2006/xproc/1.0" xmlns:yax="http://opsdesign.eu/yax/1.0"> <xproc:step name="trans1" type="xproc:XSLT"> <xproc:input port="stylesheet" href="test/transformation1.xsl"/> </xproc:step> <xproc:step name="trans2" type="xproc:XSLT"> <xproc:input port="stylesheet" href="test/transformation2.xsl"/> </xproc:step> <xproc:choose name="choose1"> <xproc:when name="choose1when1"> <xproc:step name="trans3.1.1" type="xproc:XSLT"> <xproc:input port="stylesheet" href="test/transformation3.xsl"/> </xproc:step> <xproc:step name="trans3.1.2" type="xproc:XSLT"> <xproc:input port="stylesheet" href="test/transformation3.xsl"/> </xproc:step> </xproc:when> <xproc:when name="choose1when2"> <xproc:step name="trans3.2.1" type="xproc:XSLT"> <xproc:input port="stylesheet" href="test/transformation3.xsl"/> </xproc:step> <xproc:step name="trans3.2.2" type="xproc:XSLT"> <xproc:input port="stylesheet" href="test/transformation3.xsl"/> </xproc:step> </xproc:when> <xproc:otherwise name="choose1otherwise"> <xproc:step name="trans3.9.1" type="xproc:XSLT"> <xproc:input port="stylesheet" href="test/transformation3.xsl"/> </xproc:step> <xproc:step name="trans3.9.2" type="xproc:XSLT"> <xproc:input port="stylesheet" href="test/transformation3.xsl"/> </xproc:step> </xproc:otherwise> </xproc:choose> <xproc:step name="trans4" type="xproc:XSLT"> <xproc:input port="stylesheet" href="test/transformation4.xsl"/> </xproc:step> </xproc:pipeline>
<xproc:pipeline name="pipe1" xmlns:xproc="http://www.w3.org/TR/2006/xproc/1.0" xmlns:yax="http://opsdesign.eu/yax/1.0"> <xproc:step name="trans1" type="xproc:XSLT"> <xproc:input port="stylesheet" href="test/transformation1.xsl"/> </xproc:step> <xproc:step name="trans2" type="xproc:XSLT"> <xproc:input port="stylesheet" href="test/transformation2.xsl"/> </xproc:step> <xproc:step name="store1" type="xproc:Store"/> <xproc:step name="trans3" type="xproc:XSLT"> <xproc:input port="stylesheet" href="test/transformation4.xsl"/> </xproc:step> <xproc:step name="trans4" type="xproc:XSLT"> <xproc:input port="stylesheet" href="test/transformation4.xsl"/> </xproc:step> </xproc:pipeline>
<xproc:pipeline name="pipe1" xmlns:xproc="http://www.w3.org/TR/2006/xproc/1.0" xmlns:yax="http://opsdesign.eu/yax/1.0"> <xproc:step name="trans1" type="xproc:XSLT"> <xproc:input port="stylesheet" href="test/transformation1.xsl"/> </xproc:step> <xproc:step name="trans2" type="xproc:XSLT"> <xproc:input port="stylesheet" href="test/transformation2.xsl"/> </xproc:step> <xproc:step name="load1" type="xproc:Load"/> <xproc:step name="trans3" type="xproc:XSLT"> <xproc:input port="stylesheet" href="test/transformation4.xsl"/> </xproc:step> <xproc:step name="trans4" type="xproc:XSLT"> <xproc:input port="stylesheet" href="test/transformation4.xsl"/> </xproc:step> </xproc:pipeline>
<xproc:pipeline name="pipe1"
<xproc:step name="trans1" type="xproc:XSLT">
<xproc:input port="stylesheet" href="test/transformation1.xsl"/>
<xproc:step name="trans2" type="xproc:XSLT">
<xproc:input port="stylesheet" href="test/transformation2.xsl"/>
<xproc:step name="load1" type="xproc:Load"/>
<xproc:step name="trans3" type="xproc:XSLT">
<xproc:input port="stylesheet" href="test/transformation4.xsl"/>
<xproc:step name="trans4" type="xproc:XSLT">
<xproc:input port="stylesheet" href="test/transformation4.xsl"/>
<xproc:input port="in" step="trans2" source="out"/>
All component type classes have to reside in a package called 'net.sf.yax.types'. The built-in components are physically located in the yax library file yax-<version>.jar. They are distributed on three pipeline-libraries:
yax depicts all existant components grouped by libraries in the pipeline config file.
you can extend yax with step implemented by yourown by simply extend the class net.sf.yax.types.StepType and place the class file(s) of this implementation into the custom directory. For further details please refer to 'references/custom steps'.
offene Punkte zur Spezifikation
Associating Documents with Ports / Specified by source
Since constructs also have ports, their ports should also be reachable by referencing via 'by source'. So
<p:step name="expand" type="p:xinclude">
<p:input port="document" step="otherstep" source="result"/>
should become something like (better with a more handsome term for 'component'):
<p:step name="expand" type="p:xinclude">
<p:input port="document" component="otherComponent" source="result"/>
Associating Documents with Output Ports
Are there use cases this kind of association makes sense?
context of choose/when/otherwise
the context should also be provided by a (e.g. reference) port.
are there important reasons to differenciate between steps and constructs?
Should a 'declare-construct-type' exists?
In my understanding the only difference between constructs and steps is that steps treats the result while constructs only passes the result without any treatment. Otherwise both have to follow the rule for components.
One can define custom 'step's. So should one also be able to define constructs.
what expression language(s) (el) should be used in XProc scripts?
For compatibility purposes an el should be defined by the specification. Otherwise the scripts runs only on processors which understands a certain el.
Group within Try necessary?
multiple Catch clauses would make sense.
namespace uri for XProc
base URI for XInclude and Store
A pipeline might has more than one input document simultaniously via the root input and loads. How to determine a single base URI?
Load / Store
As Load should provide an unambiguous content on its result port it must not have other inputs than the source referenced by href.
Store provides (or better delivers) an unambigous content to the external realm via the href. If Store would provide this content simulantiously an its result the pipeline chain could be kept closed at a Store step point.
Table 1. Leistungsumfang
Leistungsmerkmal |
Beschreibung |
Allgemeine Leistungsmerkmale | |
logging |
Sie können log4j oder ein anderes Loggin Subsystem nutzen. Wenn kein subsystem bestimmt ist, protokolliert yax auf die system ports. |
Implementierung der Constructs | |
<p:pipeline> | |
<p:choose>/<p:when>/<p:choose> | |
<p:try>/<p:group>/<p:catch> | |
Implementierung der Steps | |
<p:XSLT> | |
<p:XInclude> | |
<p:Load> | |
<p:Store> |
Table 2. Status der Implementierung
Leistungsmerkmal |
Status |
Bemerkung |
Allgemeine Themen | ||
inputs and outputs |
in Arbeit |
implizite ports realisiert. |
property / property files |
erledigt |
preferences / preference file |
erledigt |
Kernkonstrukte der Sprache | ||
Pipeline |
erledigt |
Group |
erledigt |
same behaviour as Pipeline. |
For-Each |
geplant |
Viewport |
geplant |
Choose/When/Otherwise |
erledigt |
first usage of explicit reference ports: if exists reference ports of when clauses can refer to the reference port of the choose construct (or obviously th another reference port) |
Try/Group/Catch |
erledigt |
extended with differentiating catch clauses. |
Import |
geplant |
Pipeline-Library |
erledigt |
yax builds libraries based on the current implementation (see pipeline config file). CRs expected. |
Kern Schritte | ||
Identity |
erledigt |
erledigt |
CRs expected. |
XInclude |
erledigt |
Serialize |
in Arbeit |
Parse |
in Arbeit |
Load |
erledigt |
will be extended with access to database server and other data services. |
Store |
erledigt |
will be extended with access to database server and other data services. |
Subelemente der Components | ||
input |
(erledigt)in Arbeit | |
output |
(erledigt)in Arbeit | |
Parameter |
erledigt |
input-parameter |
?? |
didn't understood. |
Mikrooperationsschritte | ||
Rename |
geplant |
Wrap |
geplant |
Insert |
in Arbeit |
Set-Attributes |
geplant |
Folgende Software muss an einem frei wählbaren Ort verfügbar (installiert) sein:
Table 3. Notwendige Packages
Package |
Nutzung |
Java (Version 5 or above) |
Since Version 1.4 Java contains a default transformation processor (XSLTC). This processor will be used if no other processors are visible (in the classpath). yax assumes the presence of this processor. So at least Java 1.4 is necessary for using yax. As yas is developed under Java 5 it is the recommended Java version. |
Ant(Version 1.7.0 or above) |
yax comes with an ant task, so you can use yax also under ant. An ant installation is only needed if you want to use the yax ant task. |
Log4j(Version 1.2.14 or above) |
log4j is the recommended logging system. If log4j is not installed (resp. not reachable) yax uses its own ConsoleLogger. If you yax only under ant from yax perspective a log4j installation is not necessary because all log messages will be redirected to the ant logger. |
Saxon(xls1: Version 6.5.3 or above, xls2: Version 8.6. or above) |
yax provides the usage of different XSL processors. The saxon processors builds the preferred test environment for the yax development. (Obviously you can use any xsl processor which is reachable vie JAXP). The preferences file still includes the Saxon processors. If you want to use it follow Saxonias instruction how to obtain and install them. If no xsl processor is installed yax uses the system default transformer which comes with JRE (XSLTC). |
Xalan /(XSLTC)(Version 2.7.0 or above) |
yax provides the usage of different XSL processors. Xalan comes from Apache. The preferences file still includes the Xalan and the XSLTC processor. If you want to use them follow Apaches instruction how to obtain and install them. If no xsl processor is installed yax uses the system default transformer which comes with JRE (XSLTC). |
Laden Sie yax http://yax.sourceforge.net (hier der Menüpunkt 'download') herunter und entpacken Sie die Datei in ein beliebiges <yax-installation-directory>.
Feel free to place yax-*.jar files somewhere in your system and make it/them accessable by the right classpath entry. But at least keep a copy of the main jar file within the <yax-installation-directory>/lib for retrieving the implemented components. The minimal installation can be:
+--- lib
+--- yax-<n.m>.jar (<n.m> = Version Number)
Table 4. Eigenschaft
Eigenschaft |
Beschreibung |
Allgemeine Eigenschaften | |
baseURI |
The baseURI represents the base directory which is used by a relative path to become an absolute path. |
For using yax in commandline mode 'yax-n.m.jar' (n.m = version number) must be reachable. if you want to run yax under ant the libraries 'yax-n.m.jar' and 'ant-yax.jar' must be reachable. Both of the libraries resides by default in YAX_HOME/lib but can be placed at any other location.
If you want to use any other xslt processor than the system default transformer you have to place their libraries into the classpath. In commandline mode you can either place the libraries into the system classpath or pass it via classpath option (-classpath resp. -cp) during the program start. When running yax under ant all necessary libraries must be assigned to the classpath BEFORE starting ant. Passing the transformer libraries via ant's classpath features (either within taskdef or with classpathref attribute) do not work.
An XML catalog maps (usually remote) URIs to other (usually local) URIs.
yax uses Norman Walsh's resolver. You can configure the resolver - especially the link to your catalog file - by editing the config/CatalogManager.properties file. How to configure the the resolver is explained in an excellent manner on the resolver's site
For your confinience the yax distribution contains the recent resolver library (lib/resolver.jar). If you want to use the xml catalog feature the config directory and the resolver.jar have to be part of your the classpath. Start yax with the '-noCatalog' option If you want to suppress the xml catalog usage.
# java -classpath lib/yax-0.7.jar net.sf.yax.Yax -Dexample.dir=examples -Dtest.dir=test -DoutputFilename=output1.xml example1.xproc
<xproc:pipeline name="pipe1" xmlns:xproc="http://www.w3.org/TR/2006/xproc/1.0" xmlns:yax="http://opsdesign.eu/yax/1.0"> <xproc:step name="Load1" type="xproc:Load" href="${examples.dir}/${inputFilename}"/> <xproc:step name="Store1" type="xproc:Store" href="${test.dir}/${outputFilename}"/> </xproc:pipeline>
Table 5. Leistungsumfang
Attribute |
Beschreibung |
Muss-Feld |
script |
Name des XProc Skriptes, entweder relativ zur baseURI oder absolut angegeben. |
Ja |
in |
Spezifiziert ein einzelnes XML Dokument, das bearbeitet werden soll. Dieser Parameter ist für die gemeinsamen Nutzung mit dem 'out' Parameter vorgesehen. für die Bearbeitung von mehreren Eingabedateien bitte ein fileset benutzen. |
Nein |
out |
Spezifiziert den Ausgabenamen für das bearbeitete Dokument. |
Nein. Nicht verwenden, wenn 'in' nicht verwendet ist. |
force |
recreates output files, even if they are newer than their corresponding input files or the XProc script. |
Nein |
outDir |
use in case of multiple input (via fileset). specifies the directory where the output files are to write to. |
Nein. |
outPattern |
use in case of multiple input (via fileset). specifies how to build the output filename. |
Nein. |
noOutputfile |
suppresses generation of an outputfile (overrides all other output parameters). The usage of this parameter makes sense when you only want to use inner output. |
Nein. |
noCatalog |
suppresses the usage of an xml catalog. |
Nein. |
propertyfile |
the properties this file contains will be passed to yax for further usage. |
Nein. |
baseURI |
the base directory for all containing steps and containers. |
Nein. |
verbose |
yax logs verbosely. For getting these log messages it is required that ant is also started in verbose mode. |
Nein. |
quiet |
yax only logs errors, warnings and very important informations. |
Nein. |
Input . There a (currently) two ways to access input data:
use start parameters to pass input location(s)
use the <p:Load> step.
Output .
All I/O effects by start parameters (or other interface input) is called outer I/O.
Nur den Startparameter für die Eingabe-Datei Lokation übergeben. . The most simple variant of an outer I/O is to use an input location parameter beside the mandatory xproc script location parameter:
java -classpath lib/yax-0.8.jar net.sf.yax.Yax examples/example1.xproc examples/example1.xml
yax completes the necessary information based on the input location. Assuming you pass the input file
derived from that input location yax generates the output location:
Startparameter für die Eingabe- und die Ausgabe-Datei Lokation übergeben. . The straight forward way of outer I/O is to pass an input location parameter and a corresponding output location parameter:
java -classpath lib/yax-0.8.jar net.sf.yax.Yax examples/example1.xproc input/inputname.xml output/outputname.xml
In that case the processing is obvious. yax takes the input document, passes it through the pipeline and writes the result to the ouput document.
Das XProc Skript auf mehrere Eingabe-Dokumente anwenden. . yax can also process multiple input documents in one run. For applying this feature it is recommended to use ant because in ant you can use the full flexibility of the fileset feature. Example:
description="uses different multiple input files"
Alltough you can you this feature in commmandline mode. You pass a colon separated input file list with the -inList parameter:
java -classpath lib/yax-0.8.jar net.sf.yax.Yax examples/example1.xproc
outDir=test outPattern="${inputName}.out.${inputExtension}
In case of processing multiple input documents it is not possible (or better makes no sense) to pass an output location for each input document. Therefore yax provides to other parameter for determining the output location(s).
With -outDir you can choose an arbitrary output directory>. If you this parameter as the only output parameter the processed documents will be written to the output directory with its input filename.
The other parameter is the -outPattern parameter. With -outPattern you describes the pattern for building the output file name. Example:
Assuming you are using the pattern:
and you are processing the input files example1.xml and example3.xml by using ant's fileset
... <fileset dir="examples" includes=" example*.xml " excludes=" example2.xml " /> ...
yax will created the two file:
... examples | +-- example1.out.xml example2.out.xml
If you combine this parameter with the -outDir parameter determining the 'test' directory as output directory:
yax writes the two files to the 'test' directory:
+-- example1.out.xml
Beside the outer I/O which is effected by the usage of start parameters you can use the steps p:Load and p:Store to read resp. write xml documents during the pipeline process.
Although they are alternative instruments outer I/O and inner I/O they work simultaniously. If you process for example a pipeline which includes inner I/O without any output start parameter:
... <target name="runExample5.1" description="uses inner and outer I/O" > <yax script="examples/example5.xproc" > ... </yax> </target> ...
You will get two times the same output in different files:
... INFO [Load:Load1] Reading input file '...\examples\xincludeArticle.xml' into Context '2'. ... INFO [Store:Store1] Writing output file '...\test\example5.output.cmd.xml' from Context '2'. ... INFO [root:yax.root] Writing output file '...\yaxOutput.xml' from Context '2'. ...
This is triggered by a)p:Store step and b) the automatic ouput determination of the root element. The following graphic shows this circumstance:
The p:Store step creates a side branch but yax ports the content through the hole pipeline to the root container which is manages the outer I/O.
To avoid such undesired output behaviour (assuming in this case the outer output is undesired) you can use the -noOutputfile parameter:
description="uses only inner I/O"
In this case the content on the output port of root will be discarded.
# java -classpath lib/yax-0.7.jar net.sf.yax.Yax [options]pipeline file location [XML input data file location [XML output data file location]]
element 'yax:transformers' has ...something about transformer preference ... step 'step name': something about transformer which will be used ... messages from each step ... Yax run sucessful completed.
Usage: java yax [options] pipelineURI [inputfileURI [outputfileURI]] Options: -h, -help print this message (and exit) -version print version information (and exit) -quiet, -q be extra quiet -verbose, -v be extra verbose (quiet takes precedence) -debug, -d print debugging information -baseURI=<value> set the baseURI to value -noOutputfile suppress generation of an outputfile (overrides all other output parameters) (make sense if output is created within the pipeline) -D<property>=<value> provide property for using within the xproc script as '${property}' -propertyfile <name> load properties from file (-D<property>s take precedence) (for further usage alternatives see http://yax.sourceforge.net/)
debug effects that some steps (especially XSLT) logs the hole content of a context. So use thit option with care. At best use only small inputs when you use the debug option.
1) <input filename>.output.xml
2) <pipeline filename>.config.xml
3) <pipeline filename>.pipeTrace.png
4) <pipeline filename>.portTrace.png
As the XSLT task do not provide multiple input (and output) yax provides an own solution using ant's well known fileset feature in collaboration with the outDir and/or outPattern attributes.
Corresponding to the XSLT task yax also provides passing parameters to the pipeline processor and the used subsystems (as transformers). While these parameters are not exclusively passed for the usage in transformers to yax the different name 'property' was used. But these 'properties' will also be passed as parameters to the transformers.
If you intend to use other xslt processors than the system defualt processor please consider that all necessary libraries must be assigned to the classpath BEFORE starting ant. Passing the transformer libraries via ant's classpath features (either within taskdef or with classpathref attribute) do not work.
... <target name="runExample1" description="transforms an input file with concatenated transformation steps" > <yax in="examples/example1.xml" out="test/example1.output.ant.xml" script="examples/example1.xproc" > </yax> </target> ...
Table 6. Leistungsumfang
Attribute |
Beschreibung |
Muss-Feld |
script |
Name des XProc Skriptes, entweder relativ zur baseURI oder absolut angegeben. |
Ja |
in |
Spezifiziert ein einzelnes XML Dokument, das bearbeitet werden soll. Dieser Parameter ist für die gemeinsamen Nutzung mit dem 'out' Parameter vorgesehen. für die Bearbeitung von mehreren Eingabedateien bitte ein fileset benutzen. |
Nein |
out |
Spezifiziert den Ausgabenamen für das bearbeitete Dokument. |
Nein. Nicht verwenden, wenn 'in' nicht verwendet ist. |
force |
recreates output files, even if they are newer than their corresponding input files or the XProc script. |
Nein |
outDir |
use in case of multiple input (via fileset). specifies the directory where the output files are to write to. |
Nein. |
outPattern |
use in case of multiple input (via fileset). specifies how to build the output filename. |
Nein. |
noOutputfile |
suppresses generation of an outputfile (overrides all other output parameters). The usage of this parameter makes sense when output is created within the pipeline. |
Nein. |
propertyfile |
the properties this file contains will be passed to yax for further usage. |
Nein. |
baseURI |
the base directory for all containing steps and containers. |
Nein. |
verbose |
yax logs verbosely. For getting these log messages it is required that ant is also started in verbose mode. |
Nein. |
quiet |
yax only logs errors, warnings and very important informations. |
Nein. |
<yax:configuration xmlns:yax="http://www.opsdesign.eu/yax/1.0"> <!--configuration description generated by Yax - Do not edit by hand--> <pipeline name="pipe1"> .. <step name="trans1"> <output port="out" sequence="no" yax:creator="implementation.xproc.standard"/> <input port="in" sequence="no" yax:creator="implementation.xproc.standard"> <yax:connection port="in" yax:component="pipe1"/> </input> <input port="stylesheet" sequence="no" yax:creator="implementation.xproc.standard"/> <input href="examples/transformation1.xsl" port="stylesheet" yax:creator="pipeline"/> </step> ... </pipeline> <xproc:pipeline-library name="xproc.options" xmlns:xproc="http://www.w3.org/TR/2006/xproc/1.0"> <xproc:declare-step-type type="Rename" yax:description=""> <xproc:output port="out" select="" sequence="no" yax:bySourceRequired="no"/> <xproc:input port="in" select="" sequence="no" yax:bySourceRequired="no"/> <xproc:parameter name="name" required="yes" yax:values="{$any}"/> <xproc:parameter name="select" required="yes" yax:values="{$xpathExpression}"/> </xproc:declare-step-type> ... </xproc:pipeline-library> <xproc:pipeline-library name="xproc.standard" xmlns:xproc="http://www.w3.org/TR/2006/xproc/1.0"> ... </xproc:pipeline-library> <xproc:pipeline-library name="yax.standard" xmlns:xproc="http://www.w3.org/TR/2006/xproc/1.0"> ... </xproc:pipeline-library> </yax:configuration>
<xproc:pipeline name="pipe1" xmlns:xproc="http://www.w3.org/TR/2006/xproc/1.0" xmlns:yax="http://opsdesign.eu/yax/1.0"> <xproc:step name="trans1" type="xproc:XSLT"> <xproc:input port="stylesheet" href="test/transformation1.xsl"/> </xproc:step> <xproc:step name="validate1" type="xproc:Validate"/> <xproc:step name="trans2" type="xproc:XSLT"> <xproc:input port="stylesheet" href="test/transformation2.xsl"/> </xproc:step> <xproc:step name="trans3" type="xproc:XSLT"> <xproc:input port="stylesheet" href="test/transformation3.xsl"/> </xproc:step> <xproc:step name="validate2" type="xproc:Validate"/> </xproc:pipeline>
<xproc:pipeline name="pipe1" xmlns:xproc="http://www.w3.org/TR/2006/xproc/1.0" xmlns:yax="http://opsdesign.eu/yax/1.0"> </xproc:pipeline>
... Construct 'pipe1' is empty and will be bridged. ...
<xproc:pipeline name="pipe1" xmlns:xproc="http://www.w3.org/TR/2006/xproc/1.0" xmlns:yax="http://opsdesign.eu/yax/1.0"> <xproc:pipeline name="pipe1.1"> <xproc:step name="step1" type="xproc:XSLT"> <xproc:input port="stylesheet" href="examples/transformation1.xsl"/> </xproc:step> <xproc:pipeline name="pipe1.1.1"> <xproc:step name="step1" type="xproc:XSLT"> <xproc:input port="stylesheet" href="examples/transformation2.xsl"/> </xproc:step> <xproc:pipeline name="pipe1.1.1.1"> <xproc:step name="step1" type="xproc:XSLT"> <xproc:input port="stylesheet" href="examples/transformation3.xsl"/> </xproc:step> </xproc:pipeline> </xproc:pipeline> </xproc:pipeline> </xproc:pipeline>
<xproc:step name="trans1" type="xproc:XSLT"> <xproc:input port="stylesheet" href="test/transformation1.xsl"/> </xproc:step>
<xproc:step name="trans1" type="xproc:XSLT">
<xproc:input port="stylesheet" href="test/transformation1.xsl"/>
<xproc:parameter name="transformer" value="Saxon8"/>
Table 7. Exceptions des Steps <XSLT>
Exception |
Bemerkung |
aufgetreten während der Abarbeitung | |
EmptyResultException |
FileNotFoundException |
If href is used to reach file and this file can not be found.
TransformerConfiguration |
Transformer |
aufgetreten während der Bestimmung des Transformers | |
TransformerConfiguration |
Transformer |
... <xproc:step name="XInclude1" type="xproc:XInclude"/> ...
... <xproc:step name="Load1" type="xproc:Load" href="examples/example1.xml"/> ...
# java -classpath lib/yax-0.7.jar net.sf.yax.Yax [options]pipeline file location
# java -classpath lib/yax-0.7.jar net.sf.yax.Yax -Dexample.dir=examples -Dtest.dir=test -DoutputFilename=output1.xml example1.xproc
<xproc:pipeline name="pipe1" xmlns:xproc="http://www.w3.org/TR/2006/xproc/1.0" xmlns:yax="http://opsdesign.eu/yax/1.0"> <xproc:step name="Load1" type="xproc:Load" href="${examples.dir}/${inputFilename}"/> <xproc:step name="Store1" type="xproc:Store" href="${test.dir}/${outputFilename}"/> </xproc:pipeline>
... <xproc:step name="Store1" type="xproc:Store" href="examples/output.xml"/> ...
# java -classpath lib/yax-0.7.jar net.sf.yax.Yax [options]pipeline file location
# java -classpath lib/yax-0.7.jar net.sf.yax.Yax -Dexample.dir=examples -Dtest.dir=test -DoutputFilename=output1.xml example1.xproc
<xproc:pipeline name="pipe1" xmlns:xproc="http://www.w3.org/TR/2006/xproc/1.0" xmlns:yax="http://opsdesign.eu/yax/1.0"> <xproc:step name="Load1" type="xproc:Load" href="${examples.dir}/${inputFilename}"/> <xproc:step name="Store1" type="xproc:Store" href="${test.dir}/${outputFilename}"/> </xproc:pipeline>
... <xproc:step name="write pdf" type="xproc:Fop"/> ...
<xproc:pipeline name="pipe1"
<xproc:step name="trans1" type="xproc:XSLT">
<xproc:input port="stylesheet" href="test/transformation1.xsl"/>
<xproc:choose name="choose1" type="xproc:XSLT">
<xproc:input port="ref" href="test/chooseInput0.xml"/>
<xproc:when name="when1" test="/test1">
<xproc:step name="trans2" type="xproc:XSLT">
<xproc:input port="stylesheet" href="test/transformation2.xsl"/>
<xproc:when name="when2" test="/test2">
<xproc:step name="trans2" type="xproc:XSLT">
<xproc:input port="stylesheet" href="test/transformation2.xsl"/>
<xproc:otherwise name="otherwise">
<xproc:step name="trans2" type="xproc:XSLT">
<xproc:input port="stylesheet" href="test/transformation2.xsl"/>
<xproc:step name="trans3" type="xproc:XSLT">
<xproc:input port="stylesheet" href="test/transformation3.xsl"/>
<xproc:pipeline name="pipe1" xmlns:xproc="http://www.w3.org/TR/2006/xproc/1.0" xmlns:yax="http://opsdesign.eu/yax/1.0"> <xproc:step name="trans1" type="xproc:XSLT"> <xproc:input port="stylesheet" href="test/transformation1.xsl"/> </xproc:step> <xproc:choose name="choose1" type="xproc:XSLT"> <xproc:when name="when1" test="/test1"> <xproc:input port="ref" href="test/chooseInput1.xml"/> <xproc:step name="trans2" type="xproc:XSLT"> <xproc:input port="stylesheet" href="test/transformation2.xsl"/> </xproc:step> </xproc:when> <xproc:when name="when2" test="/test2"> <xproc:input port="ref" href="test/chooseInput2.xml"/> <xproc:step name="trans2" type="xproc:XSLT"> <xproc:input port="stylesheet" href="test/transformation2.xsl"/> </xproc:step> </xproc:when> <xproc:otherwise name="otherwise"> <xproc:step name="trans2" type="xproc:XSLT"> <xproc:input port="stylesheet" href="test/transformation2.xsl"/> </xproc:step> </xproc:otherwise> </xproc:choose> <xproc:step name="trans3" type="xproc:XSLT"> <xproc:input port="stylesheet" href="test/transformation3.xsl"/> </xproc:step> </xproc:pipeline>
<xproc:pipeline name="pipe1"
<xproc:step name="trans1" type="xproc:XSLT">
<xproc:choose name="choose1" type="xproc:XSLT">
<xproc:input port="ref" href="test/chooseInput0.xml"/>
<xproc:when name="when1" test="/test1">
<xproc:step name="trans2" type="xproc:XSLT">
<xproc:input port="stylesheet" href="test/transformation2.xsl"/>
<xproc:when name="when2" test="/test2">
<xproc:step name="trans2" type="xproc:XSLT">
<xproc:input port="stylesheet" href="test/transformation2.xsl"/>
<xproc:otherwise name="otherwise">
<xproc:step name="trans2" type="xproc:XSLT">
<xproc:input port="stylesheet" href="test/transformation2.xsl"/>
<xproc:step name="trans3" type="xproc:XSLT">
<xproc:input port="stylesheet" href="test/transformation3.xsl"/>
construct 'when1': reference port not found.
<xproc:pipeline name="pipe1" xmlns:xproc="http://www.w3.org/TR/2006/xproc/1.0" xmlns:yax="http://opsdesign.eu/yax/1.0"> <xproc:step name="trans1" type="xproc:XSLT"> <xproc:input port="stylesheet" href="test/transformation1.xsl"/> </xproc:step> <xproc:choose name="choose1" type="xproc:XSLT"> <xproc:input port="ref" href="test/chooseInput0.xml"/> <xproc:when name="when1" test="/test1"> <xproc:input port="ref" href="test/chooseInput1.xml"/> <xproc:step name="trans2" type="xproc:XSLT"> <xproc:input port="stylesheet" href="test/transformation2.xsl"/> </xproc:step> </xproc:when> <xproc:when name="when2" test="/test2"> <xproc:input port="ref" href="test/chooseInput2.xml"/> <xproc:step name="trans2" type="xproc:XSLT"> <xproc:input port="stylesheet" href="test/transformation2.xsl"/> </xproc:step> </xproc:when> <xproc:otherwise name="otherwise"> <xproc:step name="trans2" type="xproc:XSLT"> <xproc:input port="stylesheet" href="test/transformation2.xsl"/> </xproc:step> </xproc:otherwise> </xproc:choose> <xproc:step name="trans3" type="xproc:XSLT"> <xproc:input port="stylesheet" href="test/transformation3.xsl"/> </xproc:step> </xproc:pipeline>
<xproc:pipeline name="pipe1" xmlns:xproc="http://www.w3.org/TR/2006/xproc/1.0" xmlns:yax="http://opsdesign.eu/yax/1.0"> <xproc:try name="try1"> <xproc:group name="group1"> <xproc:step name="group1step1" type="xproc:XSLT"> <xproc:input port="stylesheet" href="examples/transformation2.xsl"/> </xproc:step> </xproc:group> <xproc:catch name="catch"> <xproc:step name="catchstep2" type="xproc:XSLT"> <xproc:input port="stylesheet" href="examples/transformation1.xsl"/> </xproc:step> </xproc:catch> </xproc:try> </xproc:pipeline>
<xproc:pipeline name="pipe1" xmlns:xproc="http://www.w3.org/TR/2006/xproc/1.0" xmlns:yax="http://opsdesign.eu/yax/1.0"> <xproc:try name="try1"> <xproc:group name="group1"> <xproc:step name="group1step1" type="xproc:XSLT"> <xproc:input port="stylesheet" href="examples/transformation2.xsl"/> </xproc:step> </xproc:group> <xproc:catch name="catch1" exception="EmptyResult"> <xproc:step name="catch1step2" type="xproc:XSLT"> <xproc:input port="stylesheet" href="examples/transformation1.xsl"/> </xproc:step> </xproc:catch> <xproc:catch name="catch2" exception="FileNotFound"> <xproc:step name="catch2step2" type="xproc:XSLT"> <xproc:input port="stylesheet" href="examples/transformation1.xsl"/> </xproc:step> </xproc:catch> <xproc:catch name="catch"> <xproc:step name="catchstep2" type="xproc:XSLT"> <xproc:input port="stylesheet" href="examples/transformation1.xsl"/> </xproc:step> </xproc:catch> </xproc:try> </xproc:pipeline>
This is an example with real data coming from the docbook.sml project. It collects all sections distributed over several files into the output file. Start yax with:
# java -classpath lib/yax-0.7.jar net.sf.yax.Yax -Dparam1=passedFromProgramStart example7.xproc examples/xincludeArticle.xml test/output1.xml
This examples shows how to
pass a parameter from the program start through the xproc script to the xsl script (param1)
pass a parameter from xproc script to the xsl script (param2)
use parameters default value because nothing passed to (param3)
Start yax with:
# java -classpath lib/yax-0.7.jar net.sf.yax.Yax -Dparam1=passedFromProgramStart example6.xproc examples/example1.xml test/output1.xml
The output file test/output1.xml will consist of:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <result> <param1>passedFromProgramStart</param1> <param2>${param2}</param2> <param3>notPassedToScript</param3> </result>
Consider that param1 comes from program start, param2 comes (staticly) from xproc script and param3 is the default value from the xsl script.
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Copyright © 2006 - 2008 joerg.moebius@opsdesign.de